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Showing posts from February, 2020

Kajal Eyeliner Tips That Even Beginners Can Handle

Need to get quick ready for a party, function, or any event and want your eyes to sparkle and shine? Donning the perfect eye look is one struggle that almost every girl has to face in her daily life.  Eye makeup  is the most important part of your look. If you ask any Indian girl what their favourite makeup product is, it is going to be the kajal most of the time.  Kajal  has endured as one of the oldest beauty accessories for Indian women and even for women in other countries. It can be easily found in their handbags. Applying a kajal with a smoky look can help you look attractive and be in the spotlight. Your sparkling eye acts like a confidence booster and improves your personality. If the ancient books are to be believed, there are also some great benefits of applying kajal. Whether you prefer heavy makeup or not, a Kajal pencil is enough to transform your look for any occasion.  The most common way to use it is by applying it on the lower lining of your eyes, but you